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重庆Polished rod sealer

重庆Polished rod sealer

  • 所属分类:重庆Various downhole tools
  • 浏览次数:
  • 发布日期:2021-06-07 14:07:03


  • 产品概述

The polished rod sealer has a two-stage seal. When pumping oil normally, the upper packing plays a role of sealing and preventing blowout, and the lower rubber gate is closed tightly so that the packing can be replaced safely.

Polished rod sealer


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Name: Yancheng Xiongwei Petrochemical General Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

  Mobile: 136-7512-4888

  Landline: 0515-87380609

  Landline: 0515-87380895


 Address: No. 1, Tongcheng Road, Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park, Funing County, Jiangsu Province