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南宁Check valve

南宁Check valve

  • 所属分类:南宁Various downhole tools
  • 浏览次数:
  • 发布日期:2021-06-07 11:57:28


  • 产品概述

Check valve

Mainly used for eccentric, seated, mixed, fixed, etc. water injection wells with a layered water injection string, and a packer that can wash wells with hydraulic pressure difference, hydraulic compression, etc., seals the lower part of the tubing string during water injection, and washes The tubing sleeve is communicated at the lower part of the tubing during the well.

Check valve manufacturers


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Name: Yancheng Xiongwei Petrochemical General Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

  Mobile: 136-7512-4888

  Landline: 0515-87380609

  Landline: 0515-87380895


 Address: No. 1, Tongcheng Road, Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park, Funing County, Jiangsu Province