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Yancheng Xiongwei Petrochemical General Machinery

Contact: Mr. Yuan

Mobile: 13675124888

Contact: Mr. Dai

Mobile: 19551222860


Address: No. 1, Tongcheng Road, Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park, Funing County, Jiangsu Province

Introduction to the correct way of suspending tubing for wellhead equipment

2021-04-10 02:05:47

Introduction to the correct way of suspending tubing for wellhead equipment

The wellhead must have a set of equipment capable of controlling and regulating oil and gas production. Wellhead equipment is also called wellhead equipment, generally called Christmas tree. The wellhead device has the following main functions:

(1) Suspend the weight of all tubing strings supporting the oil well in the tubing;

(2) Seal the annular space between the oil pipe and the casing;

(3) Adjustment of wellhead equipment and oil well production;

(4) Guarantee various underground operations, such as overhaul and minor repair operations;

(5) Daily production management can be performed, such as obtaining oil pressure, casing pressure data, pressure measurement, wax removal, etc.

Wellhead equipment manufacturers

Wellhead devices can be divided into three types:

1. Casing brakes, main brakes, production brakes, wax brakes, tubing forks and nozzles for wellhead installations.

2. The pumping wellhead is simpler than the mobile wellhead. The basic part is composed of casing tee, tubing tee and polished rod sealing box.

3. The mobile Christmas tree is a gas wellhead device, and its structure is the same as that of the mobile wellhead device. Due to the high pressure of natural gas wells and the presence of hydrogen sulfide gas, the wellhead device needs to have a high pressure resistance and be able to resist the corrosion of hydrogen sulfide gas.

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Name: Yancheng Xiongwei Petrochemical General Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

  Mobile: 136-7512-4888

  Mobile: 195-5122-2860


 Address: No. 1, Tongcheng Road, Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park, Funing County, Jiangsu Province